Wednesday 31 August 2016

Life is Not Perfect

Life is not perfect, for me it's mean that life is not fair enough. The reason is that we always feel that a lot of people live happily but we don't really feel happy about our life in terms of money, relationship, lifestyle and so forth. Indeed that, we think that others live better a better life because they have the things that we try so hard to pursue it. Sometimes we will feel unfair in many things, for example like physical attribute, people and things that we face with. I have my own experiences that keep on reminding me that my life is not perfect or fair enough.

Well, when I was young, I grow shorter than my friend that is same age as me but somehow I din't realize that people always using curious eyes looking at me. Until one day, I met a new friend from tuition center, she has told me that she uses to laugh at me because I'm too shorter than others even those kid that is younger than me. However, I have already realize that things before I've been told that people look at me in that way. Whenever I go, I aware that people looking at me with curious eyes and gossip about me. There's not just the student laugh at me, my basketball teacher even laugh at me because he think that I'm too short for basketball. I think that is so mean but I can't change others people mind on that. That's why I have a mind set that my life is not perfect and not fair compared to others. 

Some might say that I was given something that is not perfect but I might have others outstanding talent than others. However, that is not make sense for me because I don't have anything that is perfect enough to covered up my imperfection. Until now, I still can't get rid of people that keep on criticize on my physical attribute or education status and many others things. In short, our life won't be perfect and it's unfair which is not easy to change it and keep our mind to think positively can't help a lot on get rid of all those unfair things but we just need to accept it.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Viral Video

I believe there are many people uses Facebook or Instagram and other social media tools to follow those popular people on social media. So, I'm gonna talk about how those people become famous and create attention from others. Most of the time we can see they start with creating video that criticize current issue and create scenario related to the things that happens in our daily life. Well, it makes people laugh and have the same feeling with them but they are the one who brave enough to speak up the things that they don't like, However, I don't think that is the good things that we should follow or admire the people who made those video to go viral.

First of all, people creating those video to make fun of things in their daily life is not because they really want to share their self-experience to others and share those moral value that they have learned but they just simply want to become famous. They have the same thought that they can become popular when they get a lot of attention from others by doing things that is nonsense. There are some video that have outrageous action that they do to get attention. From this action, we can see that they are lonely people and always want to get a lot of exposure to become famous. When they have the feeling of loneliness, they start doing nonsense things so that others like it and make a lot of new friends.

Another fact is that they don't have the real personality that is same in the video that they have portrait in the video. They always try to create an image of themselves that they are a very kind people and won't do things that is bad in their life. They might do things that is bad in their daily life but they pretend that they are the innocent people in every issue that they have met and keep on blaming others. By doing that, the one who being criticize by them will get attack in social media even thought they din't do those bad things that they have mentioned in video clip.

Friday 19 August 2016

Best Friend Forever or?

What is the concept of "Best Friend Forever" to you? For me, I don't think we have such thing like best friend forever. First of all, I knew that a lot of people will say "Best Friend Forever do exist in this world. Well, the concept of BFF is when you have a friend that understand all the things about you, share secret with you, help you when you in need, accompany you all the time, become the person that you comfortable with and so forth. However, I think that there are no such things call BFF but it just a friendship with a lot of benefit. Don't you thing all the activity we do with the one you call BFF is just because he or her are benefit friend to you and they do so? Let me tell you about my own experience...

So, when I was young, I do have a friend that we usually seem each other as BFF but we no longer in that kind of relationship as we have choose a different school to further study. As our relationship is on BFF stage, we will need to have contact each other as usual but it seem like my dear friend doesn't recognize me or remember me at all. When I try to make call and asked her to hang out, she gave me some nonsense reason and ignore about that. After that, I didn't contact her again because I knew that things gonna change since we can't get any benefit from each other.

From that experience, we should realize that we have the feeling of lonely all the time because of that we always try to find someone that can accompany us or someone that we can get benefit from. Try to think about it, is this a true fact in our "Best Friend Forever" relationship?

Friday 12 August 2016

Addiction of Photo Editing

Is editing photo is a type of addiction? For me I don't think we should we think that a photo is an addiction because this have shown that we are well using the new technology that exist in the market. Editing photo is something that is impossible in the past as no one ever know that they can edit their own photo in their computer software or in their smart phone. If we still don't know or  have no idea at all about the photo editing apps means that we are not follow up the footstep of the new generation today. This editing app is not an app for the teenagers but it is for all of us because it help us to hide or cover up all the things that we don't want others see.

Why we should think that photo editing app is a childish app? We all need photo editing app to help us to improve the way we taking photo. I take an example of the photographer, they need to know how to edit the photo to make it better or improve the quality of taking photo. If we no longer with a good photo editing app to help us to editing to make things that we want, we are live like an old man cause people would assume that we don't know how to use the new high tech.

Another fact is that all of the celebrity is also using photo editor to make their photo to look very profession. That is the fact that a lot of people don't know and they think that those celebrity supposed to look like that. However, that's a wrong perception on photo editing work. If they doesn't edit their photo then how they attract you to have attention on them?

Monday 1 August 2016

Singing Competition


Nowadays, the qualification of singing competition are getting weird because all of the candidate of a singing competition must know how to 'scream louder' when they singing. In other words, you must sing with a very high pitch as you can when you singing no matter how bad of your singing. In The Voice, candidates must use their high pitch skill when they singing to get the judges turn their chair for him or her. Its does't matter on how good of the candidates voice when their singing but the matter is you must know how to 'scream', at least put the 'scream' part when you singing that you will get the opportunity for next round.

Another things that candidates of singing competition should know is about the breath when they singing. Candidates must know how to pull their tone longer in each and every song. The longer the tone that you can pull, the judges will turn the chair for you. It is better if you can pull tone in one minute in the song, judges not even care about how you sing if you din't pull tone in your song when you singing, so that become the most important element that candidates should consider.

In short, judges nowadays only care about how you 'scream' and pull tone in longer time whenever you singing. It doesn't matter on how good of your voice when singing but candidates must at least have one of this skill when their singing even the voice when you singing is bad. So, what are you waiting for? Join The Voice if you have potential to 'scream' and pull tone!

Tuesday 26 July 2016


Goosebumps is a movie about the story that been written on the typewriter have go alive. One of the character that I like the most is Slappy, a living ventriloquist dummy with a western suit on him. Slappy is a doll that always feel angry and want to have revenge to Hannah's father - R.L Stine who lock him inside the book for a long time. After Slappy got out from the book, he tries to release all others monster to come out from the book to destroy every things. He is the best character that make me feel that it is the most interesting, scary, and have the goosebumps on me. 

When Slappy start his revenge on R.L Stine by releasing all the monster that Stine ever wrote into the real world. However, Slappy din't realize that he can actually teleport himself straight away to the place of the magic typewriter that Stine have put it in the school since he have the power or the ability of teleport. And the next thing that Slappy should have been done is destroy the typewriter instead of stopping Stine to write a new story to get back all the monster that he have release. From this we can see that how silly that he tries to stop Stine to write the new story but not destroying the magic typewriter.

Besides that, Slappy do have the chance to kill Stine and others if he want to revenge. This is because Slappy can give order to all the monster to kill them all instead of destroying those houses and building for nothing while Stine don't have any super power to stop Slappy to revenge on him but Stine only have the magic typewriter with him. So, we can see that Slappy is not smart enough to use his ability to pay a revenge on Stine.

In short, Slappy did not well use his power or ability to revenge his feeling of angry on Stine but he is silly enough to let go the chance to revenge. As a result, he ended up with nothing but going back inside of the book again.

Sunday 17 July 2016

Jurassic World

Jurassic world is a place that create by human with the dinosaurs. First of all, I think that this movie is quite interesting but until this episode came out. Jurassic world give me a different feeling that make people wanna ask a question like why they still want to build the Jurassic World and allowed people visit again? Well it seem like the answer is because of the profit they can gain from those tourist. But the profit won't be to high as not everyone willing to do that to risk they life. If you asking that what they can do for this new episode when I said there is confusion for this episode. I would suggest the dinosaur leave their world and went to the city where things get worse. That is the things that I'm expect when I saw the trailer but it is different. 

The scene when guy can train the dinosaur is a bit weird as we look at the distant era between man and dinosaur but the weird part is not about distant era. As we all know the weird part is running with heels. However I love the weird part of it whereby how many woman can run that fast when they wearing the heels? Especially when you chase by dinosaur. Imagine when you being chase by the dinosaur can you run that fast with heels like her? So we shouldn't criticize too much on that. 

Well, there is another scene you might aware of, it is the part when the two kid who ridding the Gyrosphere. While they are enjoy sightseeing the dinosaurs world, they received the message that they need to go back as a warning that the mutant dinosaurs is no longer in the huge cage. However, the big brother ignore the warning and even moving forward to the restricted area. It doesn't make sense when they have already heard the warning not to stay longer at that area and they doesn't want to go back but make their way further to the restricted area. From this, we can see that they are brave or smart enough to have the willingness to die earlier as they get in to restricted area. 

Let's talk about the mutant dinosaur, the way that the mutant dinosaur escape is genius because it can hide well in it cage. But people just dare to get into the cage even they not sure that the mutant dinosaur already get out from the cage or not. Throughout this we can see that how silly that they make a danger decision to put themselves in danger. In short, the characters in the movie is more too silly type as most of them didn't aware the danger and take it for granted.